MantisBT - Emotion Mediaplayer
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0000117Emotion Mediaplayer[All Projects] Todopublic2021-05-03 11:222023-01-30 17:43
Goos McGuile 
Goos McGuile 
normalfeaturehave not tried
All Platforms--
0000117: Surround sound support
Feature wunsch von Harald Kanning

Maybe you know it but I recently released a new AHI driver for HD audio cards. But unfortunately, none of the video players support surround sound at the moment. Would it be possible for you to add this feature to Emotion?

Kind regards,
Harald Kanning
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Issue History
2021-05-03 11:22Goos McGuileNew Issue
2021-05-03 11:22Goos McGuileStatusnew => assigned
2021-05-03 11:22Goos McGuileAssigned To => Goos McGuile
2023-01-30 17:43Goos McGuileStatusassigned => resolved
2023-01-30 17:43Goos McGuileResolutionopen => fixed

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